This is the third instalment of a three-part series based on the stories we tell ourselves and how they affect the results we achieve in life. In the first of the series, we looked at recognising your own story, and in the second part we explored the process of dismantling it. Now, we’re looking at how[…] …
How To Break Free From The Stories Holding You Back From Business Success
This is the second installment of a three-part series based on the stories we tell ourselves and how they affect the results we achieve in life from business success. As we explored in the first of the series, the human brain becomes habituated. It learns by engaging the nervous system, the memory system and the[…] …
Steve Mendl Interview – Transitioning Into Active Retirement
In this episode, Catherine chats with Steve Mendl, a Mind Matters client for several years now.Steve has participated in a number of our NeuroCoding programs over the years. Apart from achieving great success in business and life, Steve has also reached a long-term goal to publish a book, which has since received Amazon Best Seller[…] …
How To Recognise The Stories Holding You Back From Business Success
This is the first in a series of three about the stories that frame our sense of self and how we live our life. In this installment, we’re asking, is everything we say in the moment original? Or do we have a set of patterns that are established over time that form our way of operating,[…] …
Reach Your Business Goals: How To Avoid Self-Sabotaging Behaviour
A hot topic with our clients right now is the concept of sabotaging your own goal. While ‘sabotage’ means to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct something, it’s not something we business owners do on purpose. But many of us do have self-sabotaging behaviours that, if not controlled, can prevent us from achieving our goals. As[…] …
Aligning Your Mind With Affirmations – The Key To Success
How can we change our way of thinking in order to change our world? Many people practise an affirmation – a statement or a declaration asserting that something is true. They use it as a way of trying to change their circumstances in life because it offers emotional support and encouragement, but for many, it[…] …
Are You Building A Business To Last?
While holidaying in Europe we had the opportunity to visit Sainte-Chapelle, a 13th century Gothic church in Paris near Notre Dame, one of many hundreds of stunning churches throughout Europe. Apart from its beauty, it also inspired me to think about ‘the work’ that went into it, and how the results and impact of that[…] …
Your Brain Is Smarter Than You Think It Is
It’s ironic that the brain is such an extraordinary mechanism and yet often it’s the brain, or more so the way we think with the brain, that holds many people back from reaching their potential. The brain often produces thoughts about itself that aren’t true, including the thought that it isn’t so smart or that it[…] …
Introducing The Mind Matters Podcast With Rex Urwin and Catherine Connolly
Welcome to the Mind Matters Podcast with Rex Urwin and Catherine Connolly, the show for business owners, executives, leaders and entrepreneurs committed to living life at their best. Listen in while we share how you can transform your life through focus, leadership and developing a high-performance mindset. In this, our first episode, we are introduced and interviewed[…] …