Smart Habits For Working From Home

Smart Habits For Working From Home

With the effects of the Global Pandemic becoming very present in our lives, many businesses have been forced to transition their model into a work from home option. While, for many, this can sound like a dream come true, working from home adds it's own stresses and complexities into our already busy lives!

One of the greatest challenges in our personal and professional lives can literally be balancing both, and if you've transitioned your business into a work from home model or you're now noticing that your lounge is becoming your office, you probably also know first hand the anxieties of parenting while working from home, or the logistics of keeping a team and business functional through these challenging times. It seems the commute times and terrible traffic have been replaced with keeping the kids occupied or trying to avoid conflict with our nearest and dearest!

"Life has changed: Some people are sitting at the kitchen bench where they eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They've got a flatmate at the table behind them and someone else on a couch and that’s their office. It’s different from how we would normally go to work or when we come home from the office and enjoy that space. Suddenly we have different stresses and pressures and our emotions become reactive, and it's not nice for anyone.

There's a concept which I call setting up locational anchors. Athletes do it. Performers do it when they put on a certain piece of clothing or they pick up their instrument, or take a particular breath and look at the audience. They switch themselves onto a particular mindset which is known as anchoring. We can do that at home even if we are in a small space.

It helps to differentiate between your workspace and work time, and downtime. If you've managed your state well, you are more productive, less reactive and can close off your work, as you've worked out what you need to do tomorrow.

It is vitally important to do this, to give our brain space to rejig itself."

​- Catherine Connolly

If this sounds all too familiar, it's important to remember that change starts with you.

In this podcast Catherine Connolly chats with Internet TV host, TV presenter and serial entrepreneur Monique Bradley around the concepts of considering how to disconnect from 'work mode' and transition into 'home mode' with a few simple habits worth trying.

Not only will this conscious behavioural practice enhance your productivity, it will also allow you to have space to not always be thinking about work, giving your brain the ability to process information more efficiently, reduce stress levels and give you the confidence of knowing that everything is sorted and under control.

Give it a try and notice what works best for you.

As you listen to this podcast consider the following important key points:

  • Do you 'disconnect' consciously from the end of your work day?
  • Do you find your stress levels have risen since you've started working from home?
  • Is your 'work mode' taking over your personal time?
  • Have you noticed changes in your behaviour towards others in your home?
  • Are you ready to learn powerful practices to change this, and obtain better outcomes in both your personal and professional life?

If you're finding yourself resonating with these questions, then this podcast and bonus audio tracks are most definitely for you.

"Now it's vitally important to get the balance right, to maximise how our brain can more effectively work. Sometimes people may spend hours, upon hours, upon hours working with no break and yes, they're busy, but the level of productivity is probably far less effective and efficient as if they did it in that increments where your brain's more 'on'. Repetition of new habits creates better results."

Listen now to learn more


Track 1: Disconnecting from your day

Track 2: Inner Smile

FREE PDF DOWNLOAD: Smart habits for woking from home

  • Ready to defrag?
  • Ready to unplug?
  • Ready to leave 'work mode' and be 'present' at home?

These bonus audio tracks are a great place to start. Listen and experience powerful NeuroCoding processes as Catherine takes her guest through a live 'Disconnecting From Your Day' visualisation and learn how to integrate this into your own daily practice. 

PLUS: By adding your details below, you'll also receive a PDF download: Smart habits for working from home and access to a private link in our website which hosts the powerful guided meditation - 'Inner Smile' - perfect for calming the nervous system and reconnecting you to your own inner joy! The link to this very special audio and PDF will be emailed to you directly.

Explore your mind. Evolve your vision. Elevate to success.

Smart habits for working from home

Add your email details and click the button below to download your FREE bonuses.

Please note: if you're already subscribed to our mailing list, your details will simply be updated.

Once you add your details into the form you'll be redirected immediately to the first audio track. We encourage you to either bookmark the page to come back to, or download the audio by right clicking and saving the track.

This track has been created using skilful languaging tools to engage the whole of your brain. It is designed to enable you to let go of your ‘thinking mind’, allowing vital information to be absorbed into your subconscious mind. 

Listen to this using earphones, listen often, breathe and relax.

Smart habits for working from home - quote - Catherine Connolly

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