Transitioning Mindsets – Technical Expert To Entrepreneur

Transitioning Mindsets – Technical Expert To Entrepreneur

Have you ever considered the possibility of taking the leap from Employee to Entrepreneur?  Are you a business owner who is looking towards greater entrepreneurial leadership?

In light of the current global situation, many people are facing redundancy or looking at the potential need of pivoting into a stronger leadership role as a business owner or entrepreneur and are now faced with different challenges: how do you transition mindsets?

Do we all need to upgrade our identity mindset for greater flexibility and resilience in a changing environment? 

In this podcast hosted by Catherine Connolly, Catherine interviews lawyer, author, entrepreneur and business leader Jeremy Streten, who has made great strides in the business community to bring law and it’s key elements into practical business application that everyone can understand and better prepare for. Jeremy openly discusses the challenges of pivoting from being an employee into the mindset of an entrepreneur, as well as the potential for success.

"Well, being an employee is obviously very different to being a business owner. You've got to learn so much more about actually operating the business [and] Craig and I thought we could do better than our old bosses.

We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. If you look at it with rose coloured glasses, when you're the employee and you don't realise just how hard it is when you're doing the work every day, you think you can do it all yourself. 

I had to change the mindset of actually working on the business rather than just working in the business.

I recognised the fact that I didn't know what I was doing, running a business. And so, I got coaching around what I needed to do and learn what those different things were and found someone to actually help me through that journey. I think that the mindset shift really came from being there, doing it and going, oh my gosh, I've bitten off more than I can chew."


In this podcast, Jeremy also discusses some of the legal pitfalls worth considering when starting your own business as well as the importance of flexibility, regular short term planning and really understanding the values behind what you do and how you serve and lead both your clients as well as your team.

As you listen to this podcast consider the following important key points:

  • Are you considering transitioning the role you need to play and mindset needed to excel?
  • Do you have all the skills, expertise and support you need to level up as a business owner to overcome current challenges? 
  • Do you have the knowledge required to be a leader, running your own business beyond your professional and technical expertise?
  • How flexible is your mindset?
  • Are you prepared to PIVOT? The world is changing - you are changing. Is what you're DOING ready to change too?  

If you're finding yourself resonating with these questions, then this podcast and bonus list of tips is definitely for you.

" Change is inevitable. And being able to deal with it is really, really important. Everyone's in a transitional change right now. I think that the true skill is being able to adapt and to be able to move with the times and not let it stress you out. 

It goes back to those old Charles Darwin researchers: the survival of the most flexible are the ones that will flourish over time."

Listen now to learn more


Catherine Connolly and Jeremy Streten's Tips For Transitioning Mindsets 

Plus Chapter 14 of Jeremy's book 'The Business Legal Lifecycle'

  • Are you ready to pivot?
  • Are you identifying yourself as the technician, manager or entrepreneur?
  • Have you got the tools to create your new identity and fulfil the needs and responsibilities of an entrepreneurial business owner?
Transitioning Mindsets – Technical Expert To Entrepreneur

This free download shares some valuable business tips worth considering as your role changes to meet the challenges in business as they unfold and support your flexibility to remain resilient and succeed.

You'll also receive access to a free downloadable chapter from Jeremy's book 'The Business Legal Lifecycle' called 'It's Lonely at the Top – Dealing with Crisis'.

The Business Legal Lifecycle is a Queensland Law Society Innovation in Law Award winning product that aims to solve three main problems that Jeremy discovered business owners face.

The Business Legal Lifecycle is a Queensland Law Society Innovation in Law Award winning product that aims to solve three main problems that Jeremy discovered business owners face.

  • An explanation of legal concepts in plain English
  • An explanation as to what you actually need to do and who should help you
  • Help you develop a plan for the future.
  • Jeremy Streten - the business legal lifecycle

    Add your email details and click the button below to download your FREE bonuses NOW.

    Please note: if you're already subscribed to our mailing list, your details will simply be updated.

    Once you add your details into the form, you'll receive an email with the link to the free PDF download as well as the link to Jeremy's download from his book. If you haven't received the link within 20 minutes, please check your spam or junk folder.

    quote jeremy streten

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